The NorTrials Centre for Cardiovascular Diseases covers clinical trials related to cardiology, cardiometabolic diseases, and peripheral vascular diseases. Nephrology has been formalised as a subgroup of the centre, thereby also encompassing kidney diseases. Trials in other medical fields with cardiovascular disease as an endpoint may also be included. The centre aims to be a leader in its field, contributing to Norway’s participation in more international clinical trials and expanding activity across the country.
The centre is based at Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) and is organisationally affiliated with the Department of Cardiology, Section for Research and Development. The department has an established clinical research environment with a recognised research group and the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cardiac Biomarkers (K.G. Jebsen Centre for Cardiac Biomarkers – Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO). The research environment has broad expertise and well-established networks both nationally and internationally.
The centre works closely with the hospital’s central research support unit, which provides a standardised and efficient framework for initiating and conducting new clinical trials, as well as access to facilities and equipment at the Clinical Research Outpatient Clinic. Additionally, the centre collaborates with the hospital’s data warehouse, enabling valuable insights into the patient population for recruitment in clinical trials.
Patient Population
22% of Norway’s population has been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease or is at high risk of developing it (FHI 2020), and 10% of the population is affected by chronic kidney disease (LNT 2024). Ahus has a large catchment area with a population of approximately 618,000 and has good access to most patient populations within cardiology and nephrology.
Patients with common conditions are available at all Norwegian hospitals with medical departments, providing a solid basis for nationwide inclusion in clinical trials. Rare conditions may be centralised to certain hospitals, in which case we will facilitate contact with the appropriate centre.
The centre is in the process of establishing a network within cardiology and nephrology. More information will follow.
Trial Experience and Delivery
The centre and the Department of Cardiology have extensive experience with both investigator- and industry-initiated clinical trials. Since 2022, Ahus has participated in 13 industry-initiated cardiovascular trials. Nephrology joined NorTrials earlier this year.
Employees and Contact Information
NorTrials Cardiovascular

The text was translated from Norwegian using ChatGPT and edited by Ellen Johnsen.